The rise of CMSs introduced a separation of content and display on the back-end starting over 10 years ago the headless web continues this development: In practice, this adds an additional layer of abstraction between your end user and your website, extending an existing trend. The end-user experience is delivered by a JavaScript application rendering the output of this API into HTML, frequently making use of a modern application framework like Angular, React or Vue.The content for the site is accessible via a web-service API, usually in a RESTful manner and in a mashup-friendly format such as JSON.There is a traditional database-driven CMS which editors use to maintain the content for the site, usually via the same old admin interface as always.The notion of a “headless” website refers to a situation where: The concept is hardly new, and is more broadly known as running a decoupled architecture. There’s nothing supernatural or haunted about the idea of a headless website, so no need to worry about adding “Demon Hunting for Dummies” to your list of books to purchase. Introducing The "Headless" Website Architecture
#Headless drupal series#
This is the first in a series of posts devoted to this important emerging topic. Nearly every developer I’ve spoken to in the past six months is excited about the potential, and with good reason - this model allows breakthrough user-experiences and innovation. The "headless" website architecture is gaining traction and popularity.